Soaking in Wrath (after the Romantics), oil and color pencil on canvas, 48x60 inches

Soaking in Wrath (after the Romantics), oil and color pencil on canvas, 48x60 inches

 Manifesting a Different Destiny, oil and color pencil on canvas 30x40 inches

Manifesting a Different Destiny, oil and color pencil on canvas 30x40 inches

Salt Circle
Salt Circle

4x5 feet, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2022

Transfixed by the Flames
Transfixed by the Flames

40x30, oil and acrylic on canvas

Butterfly Kiss
Butterfly Kiss

oil and acrylic on canvas, 12x12inches

If only we would listen to the sea mollusk (Gemini)
If only we would listen to the sea mollusk (Gemini)

oil and acrylic on canvas, 30x18 inches

 Soaking in Wrath (after the Romantics), oil and color pencil on canvas, 48x60 inches
 Manifesting a Different Destiny, oil and color pencil on canvas 30x40 inches
Salt Circle
Transfixed by the Flames
Butterfly Kiss
If only we would listen to the sea mollusk (Gemini)

Soaking in Wrath (after the Romantics), oil and color pencil on canvas, 48x60 inches

Manifesting a Different Destiny, oil and color pencil on canvas 30x40 inches

Salt Circle

4x5 feet, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2022

Transfixed by the Flames

40x30, oil and acrylic on canvas

Butterfly Kiss

oil and acrylic on canvas, 12x12inches

If only we would listen to the sea mollusk (Gemini)

oil and acrylic on canvas, 30x18 inches

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